Thursday, August 12, 2010

Happy Birthday to me...Tomorrow.

On the running front:

I'm actually a little hopeful. Last night I went to the gym after working both jobs and declining no less than 3 invites to drink (some of them for free) and ran 5 miles on ye ole treadmill. It was actually fairly easy too. I probably could have kept going for a while, but it was almost closing time and I didn't bring any gels or candy to keep the energy up. Plus I was only planning on doing 4.5* so I felt accomplished. It was especially rewarding because Wednesday night is pint night at my favorite bar which happens to be right next to my new gym. I had to see all the drunk people having fun walking by with their free pint glasses and laughing at the poor girl running in place instead of sitting and enjoying one of 81 beers on tap. The run itself was painfully slow, but I'm okay with that. Lord knows I'll never win any awards or such. I'm always just at the race to finish and then drink the beer. Since the Chicago Marathon is exactly 2 months from yesterday, I'm challenging the notion that someone can go from happy to run 5 miles to running a marathon in 2 months. We'll see. It should be interesting at least.

On the drinking front:

Surprisingly little this whole week, but tomorrow is my birthday. It will be my very first 29th birthday. To celebrate, we're going to see Mystikal at the House of Blues in New Orleans tonight. My present to myself is taking a vacation day tomorrow and not coming in to work. Instead of sleeping in (fully, that is. I'll still sleep late), I'm going to go for a genuine long run. I'm hoping for 10 miles, will be happy with 9, and can probably settle for 8. Anything less and I'll be disappointed. After that, I have a day o' drinking planned starting with a sushi lunch and most likely Sapporo sake bombs. Then Saturday, it's off to NOLA again for the red dress run! I somehow talked my dad into going with me. He can't run and probably won't be able to even walk the 6 miles, but we'll certainly drink with our red dresses on! I'll be one of these fools.
Pictures and reports of the weekend to come. I hope to not be blogging again until Monday! Have a great weekend everyone!

*Miles. Not busboys. Clearly you haven't seen the guys I work with.


  1. Happy birthday! Hoist one for me! I myself am enjoying a maibock right now because I couldn't have one after last night's 5k race. Fucking bloodwork!

    But all is forgiven now.

    I actually bought this maibock and didn't see till I got it home ... 8.5 ABV.

    So I'm in love with the world right now ...

  2. Happy Birthday! Your going to see Mystikal is making me feel really, realy old. And maybe Ludicris.

  3. Wow. Your birthday was Friday the 13th?

    Hope you enjoyed it and don't suffer from Friggatriskaidekaphobia.
